Gaslight PG
USA | 1944 114 minutes
George Cukor
Charles Boyer|Ingrid Bergman|Joseph Cotten|Angela Lansbury
We’ve reached ‘C’ in the ABC of Cinema – ‘C’ is for American director George Cukor, known for The Philadelphia Story (1940), Born Yesterday (1950), A Star is Born (1954) and My Fair Lady (1964), among many others in the half century from the early 1930s.
Gaslight is a fine and very atmospheric Victorian melodrama and source of the verb ‘to gaslight’, now well-known in current vocabulary.
Ingrid Bergman is Paula and won an Oscar for Best Actress in the role. Charles Boyer was nominated for his role as the gaslighting, menacing master of the house. Joseph Cotton is the solid friend who helps to release Paula from her entrapment. But also of note is Angela Lansbury, age 18, in her first screen role, as the attractive, insolent maid whom Gregory employs to keep an eye on his wife.
17 June 2024 MONDAY 19:30
Tickets £8.00|£5.00 (up to age 25)